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Scranton , PA

Juanita’s Story

Juanita Harris meets challenges head-on. Losing her job just days after finding out she was pregnant for the first time, Juanita persisted through the difficult and emotional time. It proved to be a minor setback for a big comeback. Since then, she has built a ten-year grooming career, finding purpose, inspiration and community through give-back charity grooming tours.

Artesia, NM

Tosha’s Story

Like most creatives, Tasha Montoya has a perfectionist streak in her. While a desire to get every cut perfect is great to have, it can create a lot of stress. Tasha's ability to put the focus on the pets and make them the priority enables her to find enjoyment and purpose in every groom.

San Antonio, TX

Elizabeth’s Story

Elizabeth Torres sees every groom as an opportunity to make a dog's day better. She knows the act of grooming is not about the groomer, but the animal and its safety, comfort and enjoyment. Throughout her 18-year career, Elizabeth has continued to be an avid learner, taking inspiration from her creative community on her journey towards mastery.
